Welcome to ‘Volunteer Central’ the place where you can find the key information as well as access to the Shift Control system – the easy way to see what shifts you have volunteered for and pick shifts.
Volunteer for Shifts
The system we are using to manage the shift rota is called ShiftController. You can access this by clicking on ShiftController System in the Volunteers Menu to the left of the window (or if on a mobile device it is below).
Log Out
To log out move the cursor over ‘Hi, <Your Name>’ at the top right of the window. Then click on Log Out.
If you have any problems with accessing ShiftController for the first time then please:
- Log out
- Log in again through www.barnabys.coffee
- Click on one of the Quick Links to shifts month names
- Then try accessing ShiftController again
If you continue to have problems then email volunteer@barnabys.coffee