
Barnaby’s is entirely run by an amazing group of volunteers, who make it a vibrant, fun and engaging place to be. If you have ever fancied trying your hand as a barista, or you simply love baking, then we need to meet. Whether you have just a few hours to spare each week or each month, you will be very welcome at Barnaby’s.

The training you need to become a fabulous volunteer or barista will be provided, and you’re welcome to do a trial shift first to see how you feel about it all. Just click here to get in touch. If you have been inspired by the Great British Bakeoff and want an outlet for your new-found baking talents, you may not need any training at all! Simply register here to become a cake-baker.

Every shift is led by a Team Leader, who will guide you through the shift and help you become an awesome volunteer. To help choose future shifts, you’ll receive login details to a place where you can select your preferred hours, or swap with others. It’s really easy, and you’ll love the people you work with.

Swanmore's Community Coffee Shop