In the fourth of our MEET THE VOLUNTEER series, we caught up with the man who lives closet to Barnaby’s – Ted Quincey. We asked Ted what volunteering means to him:
So what drew you volunteering at Barnaby’s Ted?
Well, as I live right across the road from Barnaby’s, I had originally thought I’d be popping in at a moments notice if help was required. In actual fact, I have taken to planning a little bit further ahead by picking the shifts I’d like to do in advance, in preference to waiting until the last minute, It’s worked out much better that way, allowing me to plan my week around grandchildren and the like.
What do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy looking back at the end of a shift and being pleased with a job well done! I particularly like the “volunteer” role, as it allows me to do a number of different jobs whilst saying hello to our customers. That said, during the quieter moments, Berty has invested some time in teaching me how to make coffee, and I have enjoyed that very much.
Where do you think the money goes?
It was my assumption that it all goes to charity, after the costs have been taken care of. More recently, I’ve seen images on the big screen showing cheques being handed out to some of the local causes that I am familiar with, and I rather like seeing those as they pop up. I read the Swanmore Link every month, and there are very often articles in there that talk about charities who have benefitted from a donation.
What else could Barnaby’s do to help the community?
Yes. I play in a ukulele band called the Swanmore Strummers. We meet weekly in the village and have, in the past, raised a little bit of money at gigs. How about playing at Barnaby’s on occasion?
(We think that is a great idea, so please watch out for the Swanmore Strummers appearing here in the summer months!)